Past couple of days I've been considering creating an artist tag or watermark of sorts for the art that I post online or in general. I've mostly seen lots of artists on Medibang and Instagram use their own unique stamps of ownership or credit tags on their posts and wanted to give it a go. In my most recent TikTok, a portrait of a friend of mine in one of her drag get ups (@mizz_ranassanz on Instagram ), I designed what I call idea #1 for what will eventually be a permanent tag for myself. The final piece for the portrait is up on the timelapse page, here's the video>>Rana Ssanz Portrait Tiktok and of course below is my little prototype.
I really love how it came out but I'm not entirely sure it won't look off in some pieces. We shall see eventually, the second piece I attached this to was the latest post on my art Instagram ( @hillys_art )
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